St Martin's Park
This website outlines details about the proposed
St Martin’s Park development on Barnack Road, Stamford.
The proposal is being brought forward by South Kesteven District Council and Burghley, who between them own all the land within the site boundary.
Both landowners are committed to delivering a high-quality, well-designed and highly sustainable development to preserve and enhance the setting of this part of Stamford and to provide new employment opportunities and homes for the town.
We are keen to hear people’s views about our proposal before we finalise our plans and submit a planning application. Please click here for details about our public consultation.
UPDATE: Burghley and South Kesteven District Council are delighted to have received planning permission for the St Martin’s Park development on Wednesday 13 October 2021.
To view the planning application please visit: www.southkesteven.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=8170#/ and enter reference S20/2056.