The proposed development will have a Fabric First Approach so that we maximise the energy efficiency and performance of the building materials used.
We are also exploring the potential for on-site renewable energy generation, via air source pumps and the possible inclusion of solar photovoltaic panels on the roofs of commercial buildings.

The site is within Flood Zone 1 (the lowest probability of flooding from rivers and seas). Some areas of the site are at risk of surface water flooding and our proposal will ensure, through the preservation of existing flow routes and the introduction of a positive drainage system, that the development will not be at risk of surface water flooding and will not increase the flood risk to the site and the surrounding area. The site is not a risk of flooding from any other sources. We are proposing water use minimisation measures across the development.

GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE AND ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENTS The site currently has low ecological value, offering the potential for significant ecological enhancements.
We are proposing approximately three hectares of green infrastructure across the site, including parkland, extensive tree planting and the inclusion of edible plants, shrubs and fruit trees.
Our aim is to significantly improve the diversity of flora and fauna on the site as well as non-invasive indigenous species. Measures include the introduction of bird boxes, hedgehog tunnels and bat boxes.

We are committed to incorporating low environmental impact materials within the design of the development and the responsible sourcing of building elements.
Wherever possible, we will also look to reuse and recycle demolition material from the factory site, as well as minimising the need for soil to be transported off site by re-using it within the development.